Libreoffice fresh o still
Libreoffice fresh o still

  • RAND.NV() and RANDBETWEEN.NV() non-volatile random number generating functions that are not recalculated on every input like RAND() and RANDBETWEEN() are.
  • Find & Replace is ~50% faster tdf#119286 (Noel Grandin, Collabora).
  • See this screencast about the usage: Hungarian, as well as an Old Hungarian template document with embedded Noto Old Hungarian font. ” (Romanian)Īs an RTL (Right-To-Left) AutoCorrect feature in Hungarian, words, numbers and some kind of punctuation are transliterated to Old Hungarian (or Szekler/Székely) writing, turning on the right to left writing direction using Writer’s Complex Text Layout support during typing.
  • Replace ASCII quotation mark " with second level quotation marks inside primary level quotation in Hungarian and Romanian (these languages use apostrophe and single quotation marks instead of the equally important double angle quotes in Single Quotes AutoCorrect) tdf#133524.
  • Replace character sequences > with double angle quotes « and » in Aragonese, Asturian, Catalan, Finnish, Galician, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian and with single angle quotes ‹ and › in Swiss French, where these quotation marks are in use, but their actual Single and Double Quotes replacement doesn't support them tdf#133524.
  • Similar in Russian and Ukrainian: replace ASCII apostrophe with typographic apostrophe ( ’) instead of second level quotation mark ( “) outside of second level quotation tdf#123786.
  • Replace ASCII apostrophe with typographic apostrophe ( ’) in Czech, German, Icelandic, Slovak and Slovene instead of second level quotation mark ( ‘) outside of second level quotation tdf#128860.
  • Improved usage of quotation marks and apostrophe in several languages (László Németh)
  • Added Navigator section tooltip word and character count tdf#63967.
  • Replaced the navigation toolbox with the navigate by elements control tdf#89566.
  • You'll see that Headings in Navigator will be selected automatically according to text cursor position tdf#108766 Try clicking with your mouse in several places in your big text document with many headings. It can be in three states: Default, Focus, Off.

    libreoffice fresh o still

  • Added Outline tracking for Headings in Navigator.
  • Table's context menu in Navigator now has Insert caption item tdf#128814.
  • Headings in Navigator have Promote/Demote level and Promote/Demote chapter context menu items tdf#128814.
  • All objects in Navigator (Headings, Tables, Frames, Images, etc.) have own context menu items like Go To, Edit, Delete, Rename tdf#128814.
  • Navigator's categories are gray if they don't have any items (the same for Calc's Navigator) tdf#129625.
  • Writer's Navigator got many improvements by Jim Raykowski:
  • Empty input fields were completely invisible and now they are highlighted with grey background too tdf#101830 (Serge Krot, CIB).
  • libreoffice fresh o still

  • Actually not limited to lists e.g., page numbering may also use padding (ODT only).
  • More info in a first blog post and in a second blog post (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)
  • Implemented a padded numbering in Writer's lists.
  • 12.3 Improvements to proofing tools and language support.
  • 12.1 New languages/locales with locale data.
  • 10.5 Improvements of PPTX import/export filter.
  • 10.4 Improvements of XLSX import/export filter.
  • libreoffice fresh o still

  • 10.3 Improvements of DOCX import/export filter.
  • libreoffice fresh o still

  • 10.2 Improvements of the EMF+ import filter.

  • Libreoffice fresh o still